Update Ver

This patch is to make a couple of changes based on feedback from folks in the discord and other locations. Fixed a few bugs, made a lot of changes for input convenience, visual conveyance and a little flair. 

General Changes 
-characters now have a white tint during the active frames of their parry
-added a background visual effect that happens when a character does a super move
-made the first few frames of all blowbacks able to cancel into supers, additionally made it so that blowbacks do not create the visual indicator or spend meter until after this window ends.
-extended the amount of frames the input buffer holds onto inputs
-added a new sound effect for clashes
-reduced the amount of momentum forward jumps carry from forward dashes.

-reshaped crouching idle and low parry hurtboxes
-shrank air idle hurtbox
-extended the cancel window on 5M, 2M
-reduced the chip damage on L/M/H Rising Claw (623+L/M/H)
-reduced damage on L/M/H Diving Claw (214+L/M/H)
-reduced damage and chip damage on Splitting Claw (623+XX)
-increased knockback on Splitting Claw (623+XX)
-reduced chip and blockstun on Maximum Eyeblast (236+XX)
-reduced damage on Dive n' Shred (214+XX in air)

Flatwoods Monster
-fixed the in game colors on Palette 14 to better match the character select portrait.
-changed air throw (j.L+P) to no longer halt the user in the air when done.
-extended the cancel window on 5L, 6L, 2L, 5M, 2M, 5H, 2H and 3H.
-fixed an error where 5H would extend it's hurtbox far earlier than it was supposed to.

-changed air throw (j.L+P) to no longer halt the user in the air when done.
-shrank forward walk hurtbox.
-expanded standing parry hurtbox.
-extended the cancel window on 5L, 6L, 2L, 5M, 2M, 5H, and 2H.
-reduced damage on the grounded and aerial versions of Violent Arcing Slash (214+XX)


BoM. 38 MB
39 days ago

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